Monday, June 15, 2009

Eleanor Rigby's Dance Tour

Eleanor Rigby's Dance Tour (Soulwax vs. The Beatles vs. Kraftwerk vs. Lady Gaga Feat. Colby O'Donis)

Eleanor Rigby's Dance Tour (Soulwax vs. The Beatles vs. Kraftwerk vs. Lady Gaga Feat. Colby O'Donis) by DJ Dain

Mashing up mash-ups? Have I gone mad? Arguably, but that's besides the point.

I really liked what Soulwax did with their blending of the strings from the Beatles' "Eleanor Rigby" and the percussion from a remix of Kraftwerk's "Tour de France." I had been wanting to try my own hand at mashing up Lady Gaga's hit single "Just Dance" for awhile, and the two seemed to complement each other quite well (alhtough the time signature of the Souwax mash-up required some more thinking in order to get everything to fit nicely).

Those of you who took to the time to listen to my live set on the "Sound art? Sounds eclectic..." show via the 2009 EMCA Radio will recognize this as my finishing track. I know it's taken me months to finally release the track as a single, but life got in the way.

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